Nataniel is a 4 year old boy, born prematurely in the 29th week of the twin pregnancy. When he was only few weeks old, he had a multiple cerebral haemorrhage, which resulted in a series of medical conditions: stroke, sepsis, various neuroinfections, meningitis, pneumonia, intestinal blockage and blood vomiting.
The boy spent over 6 months in hospital – far away from his family. He underwent many operations and the doctors did not give him great hopes to leave the hospital. Now every day is a fight for his life and health.
Due to the fact the stroke was so severe, Nataniel is now suffering from the optic nerve atrophy and hydrocephaly.
He is a blind boy, unable to move or sit without any assistance.
Nataniel also suffers from cerebral palsy - a heavy limp band, and refractory epilepsy (West Syndrome), with severe complications after implementing the ventriculo-peritoneal drainage.
This little boy has also developed nutritional problems preventing him from being able to consume solid foods. His mum bottle feeds him as Natan is unable to chew, bite and swallow anything which is not in a liquid form.
In March 2013 he had his first operation for his twisted hip.
The boy’s condition is a huge challenge for the whole family: parents, twin brother Max, who suffers from autism, and a 10 year old sister, who has asthma. This is an emotional and financial roller-coaster.
The cost of a monthly treatment is enormous and can reach almost £500, which without the kindness and generosity of the people of good will, would be completely unreachable and unrealistic. Because Natan’s immune system is very weak, it has been strongly recommended to him to attend a special campus (turnusy rehabilitacyje). A yearly cost of such a treatment is nearly £4000.
There is a chance for this brave boy – a very painful and complex treatment.
Unfortunately, taking care of Nataniel, his twin brother and older sister, his parents struggle to make ends meet and afford such expensive medical treatments. Since all three children require round the clock supervision and attention, Nataniel’s mother stays at home and ensures they are looked after properly. This leaves Nataniel’s father in a very difficult and challenging position of being the sole bread-winner of the family which, sadly, covers only a small fraction of the total cost required to provide the medical assistance that Nataniel needs.
If you would like to donate whatever you can and support Nataniel in his long journey to a better, pain-free future, please use the following details: SWIFT CODE: GBWCPLPP Please add a note: "For Nataniel Kwiecinski"
Account details: Charity "Złotowianka" ul. Widokowa 1 77-400 Złotów SBL in Zakrzewo 25 8944 0003 0002 7430 2000 0010
ABY PRZEKAZAĆ DAROWIZNĘ NA RZECZ NATANKA TRZEBA NAPISAĆ : FUNDACJA ZŁOTOWIANKA ul. Widokowa 1 77-400 Złotów SBL Zakrzewo 25 8944 0003 0002 7430 2000 0010 UWAGA BARDZO WAŻNE : Koniecznie z dopiskiem : Nataniel , Maksymilian Kwieciński K/4 dla wpłat zagranicznych SWIFT CODE: GBWCPLPP
Mamy już po 7 lat

KRS : 0000308316 z dopiskiem Nataniel,Maksymilian Kwieciński K/4
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Nataniel w Siepomaga
William Shakespeare
wtorek, 23 kwietnia 2013
piątek, 5 kwietnia 2013
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